Chanel Bags

Chanel bags is the ultimate group of luxury items that most women inspire to. Yes, there are other brands but only very few have such a strong roots in the fashion industry. Chanel created and revolutionized the way we perceive woman’s fashion and of course bags these days. Here you will find all the classics from 2.55 Doubleflap, Grand Shopping Tote, Classic Flaps, Vintage clutches to Maxi Jumbo bags, Weekender and Large Boston travel bags. Collection that writes history and should find place in every women’s wardrobe - So don't miss out!


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About Chanel

About Chanel

The House of Chanel started in 1909 when Gabrielle Bonheur Chanel known as COCO opened her first store in Paris (31 rue Cambon Ave). In the early stages, Chanel focused solely on “haute couture” (high fashion) and ready-to-wear clothing pieces and hats (Chanel Suit), later adding jewelry, accessories and perfumes (No.5 de Chanel) to their collections.

In February 1955 – a historical date – Coco Chanel introduced a double flap handbag with a mademoiselle closure and a metal chain that would later become one of the most easily recognizable handbags in the world, with its name based on the date of introduction – “The 2.55”. Karl Lagerfeld joined the company in 1983 as chief designer and brought a touch of today
to this very classical brand. In 2003,Coco Mademoiselle was the new line celebrating younger generations and capturing new
audience with a softer approach. Over the last 100 years, Chanel became one of the most iconic brands of our time. 
Today, Chanel is associated with luxury, distinguished taste and high social status.